
Industrial Technology Validation (ITV) Program



The US Department of Energy (DOE) Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office (IEDO) established the Industrial Technology Validation (ITV) program to provide unbiased assessment of the energy performance of emerging industrial technologies in real-world operating conditions. This program enables technology developers and industrial host sites to work together to install innovative technologies at industrial facilities, with the technology developer providing the equipment/technology for validation, and the host site agreeing to install the equipment at their facility and provide data about the technology’s performance. Awards of up to $400,000 will now be available to technology developer/host site teams to offset the costs of integrating the new technology with host site systems, such as equipment purchases and staff time.

To participate, technology developers and industrial host sites must apply jointly. To facilitate connections between technology developers and potential host sites, participants may provide their contact information to potential partners using the Teaming Partner List.  

Once work is underway, awardees will be required to work with DOE’s Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory (LBNL), who will support the design and implementation of robust technology assessment plans and develop a technical report on the validated technology’s performance and impact, which will be published on the ITV website. Additionally, awardees will be required to provide at least 50% cost share towards the total cost of each project.

This opportunity is expected to open for applications in the Spring of 2025. For ITV program updates, please sign up for our mailing list here.

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Event Updates

Important Dates

DOE Announcement

Objective Strategic Session

Information "Office Hours" Session(s)

Submission Deadline(s)

Process Details


Resources from Webinar(s)

Coming soon.

Slide Deck(s)

Coming soon.


Coming soon.

Video Recording(s)

Coming soon.

Webinar Q&As

Coming soon.

Eligibility & Review Criteria

Frequently Asked Questions


Quick Links