January 9, 2025
3:00 pm

Renewable Energy Siting through Technical Engagement and Planning (R-STEP) Technical Assistance Provider Opportunity



The Renewable Energy Siting through Technical Engagement and Planning (R-STEP) program was established in 2023 to expand the decision-making capacity and expertise of state, local, and Tribal governments around large-scale renewable energy planning, siting, and permitting. Through funding, technical assistance (TA), and peer-to-peer information sharing, R-STEP supports state-based collaboratives in developing programs or initiatives that serve as a resource to local communities.   

R-STEP is currently supporting twelve collaboratives working in thirteen states. Each collaborative received up to $2M in funding to improve renewable energy planning, siting, and permitting within their state. Collaborative activities include evaluation of community perceptions and priorities through surveys and listening sessions, development of guidebooks and fact sheets on priority LSRE siting topics, development of websites or resource hubs to facilitate access to technical information, technical assistance and training for local and Tribal government officials, workshops and webinars to educate and disseminate science-based information, and other activities.


Through this R-STEP Opportunity, The Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) is requesting applications from TA providers who have a deep understanding of renewable energy planning, siting, and permitting topics (e.g., environmental impacts, tax policies, land use, zoning ordinance development) and demonstrated experience providing advisory, educational, or technical assistance services. Selected TA providers will provide technical support to R-STEP collaboratives to improve their understanding of priority LSRE siting topics, inform the development of state-based resources, and strengthen the ability of collaboratives to serve as a trusted source of information within their states.

EERE will select TA providers through this funding opportunity based on the needs and priorities of R-STEP collaboratives and the criteria and guidance detailed in the Submission Guidance document.  

Eligible applicants for this opportunity include for-profit organizations (e.g., consulting firms, law firms), nonprofit organizations (e.g., environmental nonprofits, trade associations, and community-based organizations), and academic institutions (i.e., colleges and universities). EERE will not select multiple applications from a single organization and requests that subject matter experts from the same organization coordinate to submit a single application.

EERE anticipates awarding four to eight TA providers with awards ranging between $20,000 and $300,000. For the purposes of this opportunity, applicants are asked to identify TA deliverables that the applicant is prepared to execute over the course of up to two years. A TA deliverable is defined as a discrete activity or effort that provides technical information or support to one or more state-based collaboratives. The proposed cost of each TA deliverable must be provided in the application.

Applications consist of:

  1. TA Provider Project Narrative: Identifies the TA deliverables being proposed, describes the applicant organization’s expertise and body of work, describes the topics of interest covered in the TA deliverables.
  2. Resumes/Curriculum Vitae: Up to 2 pages for each of the subject matter experts that will be participating TA proposed in the application. All resumes must be compiled into a single PDF document and included as an attachment in the Online Questionnaire.
  3. Online Questionnaire: Submission form that requires applicant to provide points of contact, contact information, basic information about the application, and allows for the upload of the Project Narrative and Resume/CV documents.

In addition, DOE may request to meet with applicants virtually during the application review and selection process.

Event Updates

How to Participate

  1. Review details on eligibility, evaluation criteria, and how to apply: Click Here to Download Submission Guidance Document
  2. Review the resources from the Informational Webinar/Objective Strategic Session on November 19, 2024 under Webinar Resources.
  3. Review the resources from the informational Office Hours session on December 11, 2024 under Webinar Resources,
  4. Download Project Narrative Template: Click Here to Download
  5. Complete Questionnaire and Upload Project Narrative: Click Here to Submit (Submissions are due NLT January 9th, 2025 by 3:00 PM ET)

We have CAPTCHA enabled feature on our meetings. For a best webinar experience, we recommend downloading the Microsoft Teams software to your computer, smartphone, or tablet.

Important Dates

DOE Announcement

For more detailed information on this opportunity from DOE: Click Here to Read More

Objective Strategic Session

Informational Webinar/Objective Strategic Session (IW/OSS) [November 19th, 2024]: DOE will provide further details about the R-STEP Technical Assistance Provider opportunity. Potential performers have the opportunity to better understand the scope, scale, and intent of the opportunity and ask questions of the Government Stakeholders. The optional, virtual IW/OSS will take place on November 19th, 2024 from 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET.

ENWX will be employing the CAPTCHA-enabled feature on our meetings, and webinar participants may receive a CAPTCHA challenge in order to join the Sessions. 
For a best webinar experience, we recommend downloading the Microsoft Teams software to your computer, smartphone, or tablet.

Information "Office Hours" Session(s)

Informational Office Hours [December 11th, 2024]: Interested applicants have the opportunity to ask additional questions of DOE on December 11, 2024, from 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET.

ENWX will be employing the CAPTCHA-enabled feature on our meetings, and webinar participants may receive a CAPTCHA challenge in order to join the Sessions. 
For a best webinar experience, we recommend downloading the Microsoft Teams software to your computer, smartphone, or tablet.

Submission Deadline(s)

Submission Window: November 12, 2024 - January 9, 2025 (3:00 PM ET)

Click Here to Start Your Application

Process Details


  1. Project Applications Open [November 12th, 2024 – January 9th, 2025 (3:00 PM ET)]: Interested Technical Assistance Providers are to submit one (1) application for DOE review. Additional information on what will be required for submission can be found here.
  2. Informational Webinar/Objective Strategic Session (IW/OSS) [November 19th, 2024]: DOE will provide further details about the R-STEP Technical Assistance Provider Assessment Event. Potential performers have the opportunity to better understand the scope, scale, and intent of the opportunity and ask questions. The optional, virtual IW/OSS will take place on November 19th, 2024 at 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM ET.
  3. Informational Office Hours [December 11th, 2024]: Interested applicants have the opportunity to ask additional questions of DOE on December 11, 2024, from 3:00 – 4:00PM ET.
  4. Government Review and Selection: DOE will select applicants/submissions with the highest likelihood of satisfying their needs. DOE may request to virtually meet with applicants during submission review.
  5. Path Forward [Anticipated Spring 2025]: Over the Period of Performance (not to exceed 3 years), DOE seeks regular (once per quarter) check-ins with selected organizations to receive progress updates, address questions, or provide feedback as appropriate. The intent is for selectees to receive a formal Business-to-Business (B2B) Terms and Conditions Agreement (TCA) and Statement of Effort (SOE) as a sub-award (15U.S. Code, Section 3715) from ENERGYWERX. However, after potential discussions with DOE, successfully negotiated awards may fall under (but are not limited to) alternate mechanism of awards/interactions with any combination of these categories:
    1. Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (15 U.S. Code, Section 3710a)
    2. An award under 10 U. S. Code, Section 4022 may result in the further award of a follow-on production agreement without additional competition based on successful prototype completion. The Government may make this follow-on production award even if all successful prototype criteria are not fully met during the prototype project
    3. Procurement for experimental purposes (10 U.S. Code Section 4023)
    4. Prizes for advanced technology achievements (10 U. S. Code Section 4025) and/or prize competitions (15 U.S. Code 3719)
    5. FAR-based procurement contract

Eligibility & Review Criteria

Funding Eligibility

All applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Applicant must qualify as a domestic entity. To qualify as a domestic entity, the entity must be organized, chartered, or incorporated (or otherwise formed) under the laws of a particular state or territory of the United States. The entity must have majority domestic ownership and control and have a physical place of business in the United States.  
  • Applicant must certify that it is not owned by, controlled by, or subject to the jurisdiction or direction of government of Country of Risk. The U.S. Department of Energy defines Country of Risk to include China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. This list is subject to change.  
  • Eligible applicants include for-profit organizations (e.g., consulting firms, law firms), nonprofit organizations (e.g., environmental nonprofits, trade associations, and community-based organizations), and academic institutions (i.e., colleges and universities).  

Applications Specifically Not of Interest

  • New national scale research studies or efforts
  • Applications to establish new state-based collaboratives through R-STEP. This opportunity is limited to TA providers for selected R-STEP collaboratives.
  • Technical assistance focused exclusively on distributed, rooftop, residential-scale, commercial-scale, or behind-the-meter energy resources or microgrids
  • Technical assistance on interconnection or community solar
  • Technical assistance on the siting and permitting of transmission infrastructure
  • Technical assistance on energy efficiency
  • Technical assistance that advocates to change siting or permitting policies
  • Technical assistance that focuses solely on improving the siting and permitting processes conducted by federal agencies or on federal land.

Application Merit Review Criteria

Criterion 1: Technical Assistance Merit and Relevance (30%)

  • Applicant clearly describes the objectives of the proposed technical assistance.
  • The topics addressed by the technical assistance deliverables reflect the topics of interest identified in the Submission Guidance (section 3, above).

Criterion 2: Workplan and Budget (40%)

  • Applicant identifies clear, specific, and timely TA deliverables that will expand the expertise of R-STEP collaboratives.
  • Applicant clearly describes the approach and methods for delivering TA to R-STEP collaboratives.
  • Applicant presents a reasonable budget for the proposed TA deliverables.

Criterion 3: Qualifications and Expertise (30%)

  • Applicant organization has experienced and demonstrated success in providing similar technical assistance.
  • Applicant subject matter experts are experienced and knowledgeable on the proposed topics of interest and are uniquely qualified to deliver TA through the proposed formats and TA deliverables.

Frequently Asked Questions



Is there a rubric for how project proposals will be evaluated?

Yes, EERE has established Project Selection Criteria that will be the basis of application evaluation. These can be found in Submission Guidance document (Section 6; page 6) and in the R-STEP TA OSS slides.

Do applications need to focus on states where there are existing R-STEP collaboratives only? Can the TA deliverable (such as a webinar) be available to additional attendees beyond the collaboratives?

R-STEP Collaboratives will be the primary audience or recipients of TA funded through this opportunity. As appropriate, EERE will share outputs from your TA deliverables (e.g., white paper, recorded webinar) through publicly available webpages, webinars, or other platforms. Sharing TA materials publicly will be done in close coordination with the TA providers and recipients.

Do I need to specify a target R-STEP location or collaborative in the proposal? or will a match be made at a later stage? Can multiple locations be targeted?

If selected, EERE will match you with R-STEP collaboratives that need or are interested in your TA deliverables.

Are teams from different organizations allowed to submit a response? If so, can a company be a prime/lead and a sub on a different team?

Groups or teams of organizations can apply together under a single application. The application must be submitted by a single, lead organizations that will contract with ENERGYWERX if selected and a single cost associated with each TA deliverable must be identified. An individual organization should only be the lead applicant on a single application but can participate as a sub on other applications.

Will you have Teaming List for this opportunity?

No, there is no Teaming Partner List for this opportunity.

Please discuss the timing / period of performance for selected advisors?  I.e. when is the work expected to start / end? Understand that it will vary by service

Our expectation is that we will enter negotiations with selected performers in the Spring 2025. At that point we will identify the exact timeline of when you’ll be executing on your TA deliverables. Some TA deliverables may not be executed until later in 2025 or in 2026 based on the bandwidth of Collaboratives.

Is it possible/likely that in negotiations, DOE may select some deliverables but not others from a single proposal

Yes, it is possible that EERE will select a subset of the TA deliverables proposed in an application. How this decision impacts your scope of work will be ironed out during negotiations and finalized in a Statement of Effort (SOE).

Is the 5-page limit for the TA Provider Project Narrative regardless of how many deliverables we are proposing?

Yes. EERE will not consider any material from the project narrative beyond five pages. All applicants have the same space limit. If you feel constrained by the space, you should prioritize the TA deliverables being proposed accordingly.

Are the Collaboratives meeting regularly virtually or in person?

Yes, the Collaboratives are being convened virtually every other month

Are there any geographic considerations in the selection of awardees?

No, the location of a TA provider/applicant will not factor into selections.

When providing budget information, is there a format preferred? Will travel be reimbursable if the team is within a state of one of the collaboratives?

The format required for budget information can be found in the TA Provider Proposal Narrative Template document. Applicants are asked to identify a fixed fee for each TA deliverable proposed. Any costs, including travel or subcontracting, associated with executing that TA deliverable must be incorporated into that fee.


If you have any questions, please contact ENERGYWERX:

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