July 9, 2024
3:00 pm

Voucher Opportunity 3 - Clean Energy Demonstration Project Siting/Permitting Support (OCED/EERE)



DOE announced selections for the seven voucher opportunities in October 2024. Click here to view the full list of selectees.

Siting and permitting clean energy demonstration projects is a complex process that requires various stakeholder groups to consider potential impacts (positive and adverse) associated with the construction and operation of new facilities. Authority Having Jurisdictions (AHJs; States, local governments, Tribes, etc.) and other related institutions, including but not limited to first responders, utilities, transportation authorities, regulatory bodies, and owners/operators of public property (school campuses, hospitals, military bases, public lands, etc.) don’t always have easy access to critical information needed to make siting and permitting decisions. This opportunity is designed to help AHJs and related institutions streamline siting and permitting processes to advance commercialization and demonstration of innovative clean energy technologies. This will be achieved by matching Voucher Recipients (AHJs and related institutions) with Voucher Providers (technical experts on clean energy development and operations) to work together. See below for additional info about eligibility and timeline.

As part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Technology Commercialization Fund, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Technology Transitions (OTT)Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED) and Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), in collaboration with ENERGYWERX, is offering its Clean Energy Demonstration Project Siting/Permitting Support Voucher Opportunity (VO-3) to eligible AHJs and related institutions to understand new clean energy technology benefits and challenges, evaluate siting and permitting best practices developed by similar jurisdictions, develop streamlined permitting processes, and support community engagement on related issues. The ultimate goal is to increase adoption readiness (with a focus on license to operate) of new clean energy technologies.


The DOE Voucher Program builds bridges between U.S. entrepreneurs, businesses, technology developers or other relevant partners and third-party voucher providers to advance commercialization of innovative energy technologies. Voucher Opportunity (VO-3) enables expert assistance to help AHJs and related institutions understand new clean energy technology benefits and challenges, and support the demonstration of these technologies through activities including:

  • Evaluating siting and permitting best practices developed by similar jurisdictions,
  • Developing streamlined permitting processes,
  • Educating first responders and related personnel on technology safety requirements and risks
  • Evaluating locality infrastructure/logistical readiness to utilize the designated technologies,
  • Supporting community engagement on related issues.

The first submission window solicits proposals from potential voucher providers. A second submission window will be open soon to solicit requests from potential voucher recipients. Pending availability of funds, additional submission windows may open in the future.

Voucher Projects: Expected max voucher value up to $100,000 of work (actual values vary depending on the details of the provider’s capability statement). As part of the application form, potential providers will submit the details of their capability statement, including the technical scope, deliverables, price, and throughput of the capability. Each voucher provider may submit up to three unique capabilities per voucher opportunity. To do so, please submit the application form once per capability, no more than three separate times. Any additional submissions beyond the three newest capabilities will not be reviewed. Vouchers will be distributed as in-kind support, meaning that ENERGYWERX will directly reimburse the voucher provider for the work they have completed on behalf of the voucher recipients. Only work related to specific technology areas will be eligible to receive a voucher under this opportunity. List of eligible technology areas:

DOE anticipates issuing up to 45 vouchers for the technology areas funded by OCED and, in addition, 5 vouchers for the technology areas funded by EERE.

Voucher Providers: Including but not limited to non-profit organizations and consulting firms.

Voucher Recipients: Limited to AHJ’s or other related/supporting entities seeking to host or permit clean energy projects that fit a specific technology vertical of interest for DOE OCED or EERE.

Event Updates

Voucher Providers: How to Participate in VO-3

  • Watch the Informational Webinar/Objective Strategic Session recording: Click Here to Watch
  • Submit questions into Slido to be answered during the live Office Hours session
  • Review the resources from the Informational Office Session on June 20 2024 from 4:00-4:45 PM ET
  • Complete the Provider Submission Form: Click Here to Submit for VO-3 (Submissions are due NLT July 9, 2024 at 3:00 PM ET)

This is not the only voucher opportunity currently available through ENERGYWERX. See here for additional information related to other voucher opportunities.

Important Dates

DOE Announcement

Objective Strategic Session

Informational Webinar/Objective Strategic Session (IW/OSS): DOE will provide further details about Voucher Opportunities. Potential voucher providers can better understand the scope, scale, and intent of the Voucher Program. The virtual IW/OSS will be pre-recorded and can viewed here.

Information "Office Hours" Session(s)

Information Office Hours [June 20, 2024 at 4:00PM ET]: U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) will host Office Hours on Voucher Opportunity 3 on June 20, 2024 to answer any remaining questions from potential applicants before the submission deadline.

Submission Deadline(s)

Voucher Provider: Submissions are due NLT July 9, 2024 at 3:00 PM ET

Process Details


Voucher Provider Timeline

Phase 1 – Voucher Provider Capability Statement Submissions Open [June 3, 2024 – July 9, 2024]: Interested potential voucher providers should complete the application  includ background information on the provider as well as technical scope, deliverables, price, and through of the capability.

Phase 2 – DOE Selection [July 2024]: DOE will review submissions based on relevance to the program objectives and will notify selected entities for next steps.

NOTE:  DOE may choose to meet with submitters or ask additional clarifying questions prior to selection.

Phase 3 – Negotiations [August – September 2023]: Subsequently, selected organizations will meet with ENERGYWERX to negotiate the scope of work, budget, timing, and impact.

Eligibility & Review Criteria

Frequently Asked Questions



Can multiple voucher providers from different parts of the same company/institution submit up to three capabilities each?

Yes, each individual voucher provider can submit up to three capabilities.


If you have any questions, please contact ENERGYWERX:

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